Dig into the family-friendly, bike-lovin’ event that offers a full-spectrum FoCo experience.
In 2025, there are five route options: 12-, 32- 60-, 100-, & 118-mile. All mileage is approximate and pending permits. All routes 32-miles and above are rolling. The 118-mile has a significant multi-tiered climb.
All routes leave New Belgium on Sunday July 20th, 2025, except the 12-mile Here for It Route, which is Saturday, July 19th, 2025.
2025 Rider Guide will be availble closer to event day.
The area where is now Fort Collins was continuously inhabited by many American Indian cultural groups, the last being the Cheyenne and Arapaho, before their forced move to reservations in 1878. In addition, Fort Collins has a rich cultural history of Hispanic heritage and Germans from Russia. Read more on Fort Collins’ history.
12 Mile Here for It Route p/b Safe Routes to School
NEW DATE! 12-miles of fun focused on the amazing Fort Collins bike path infrastructure. We'll be exploring some gravel at one of Fort Collins' most picturesque fun to ride parks, complete with a rest stop for families to take in the adventure and activities to explore along the way. The route is very flat.
This route is not chip-timed as it is designed for newer riders and families. All riders will still receive number plates.
This route leaves New Belgium Brewing SATURDAY at 10:00am. Here for It Route. In addition to the Friday night packet pick up, 12-mile riders are able to pick up their packets on Saturday at the expo starting at 9:15am ahead of the 10am start.
32-Mile Dare You Route
Journey beyond the city limits to see new sites and roads. This route will explore some gems north and east of Fort Collins that many have not explored. A mid-way rest stop will provide a breaking point to take it all in and refuel before winding your way back into town. You’ll stumble across an Oasis with about four-miles to go. Elevation gain is approximately 1300 feet with gentle rollers.
This route will be chip-timed and have overall podiums, as well as age-group, para, and single speed podium and prizes.
This route leaves New Belgium Brewing at 9am. Dare You Route.
60-Mile Double Dog Dare You Route
One of our original distances! This isn’t your chill 60-mile route- it is so busy, in the best way possible! You'll discover more challenging gravel-awesomeness than you ever knew was within reach of the city limits. Two rest stops and Oasis are provided.
Elevation gain is approximately 2560 feet with mostly momentum-style rollers.
This route will be chip-timed and have overall podiums, as well as age-group, para, and single speed podium and prizes.
This route leaves New Belgium Brewing at 8am. Double Dog Dare You Route.
100-mile Triple Dog Dare You Route
A riff on our original “long route”. A modest extension of the Double Dog Dare You Route, grab a group of friends and rotate through for a record-fast gravel century. Four rest stops and an Oasis will keep you hydrated and fueled.
Elevation gain is approximately 5100ft. Expect rollers all around, heading north to Carr before meandering west and then south back to the brewery. There are no significant climbs.
This route will be chip-timed and have overall podiums, as well as age-group, para, and single speed podium and prizes.
This route leaves New Belgium Brewing at 7am. Triple Dog Dare You Route.
118-mile Quadruple Dog Dare You Route
The course is hand marked and laid out by Zack Allison, master route builder for other sites such as Gravel Graceland, and Bike Sports. By the numbers, this route may look easily obtainable, but the road surface, B roads, exposure, and winds can test any riders will to survive. Five rest-stops and an Oasis keep you full of fuel and water so you can journey-on.
Elevation gain is approximately 7432ft. Expect rollers in the first half and a significant climb about mile 53-70.
This route includes a $15,000 prize purse split between top men, women, and non-binary/gender expansive riders (10 deep), age group podiums and prizes, and, of course, the infamous bolo tie for meeting the 2025 bolo tie time. See times under Competitors on our FAQ page for times & prize breakdown. Thank you Shimano for supporting the enhanced prize purse this year.
NEW for 2025: ELITE Men depart at 6am, ELITE Women at 6:05am, ELITE Non-Binary/Gender Expansive riders at 6:06am, and all other athletes at 6:30am from New Belgium Brewing. Additionally, there will be a Livestream of the Elite races, with title partnership from BMC.
The Quad Dog Dare You Route (reminder: Mile 49-50 is private and only available on race day). There will be no significant course changes from 2024 and will have an expanded water stop at the top of the climb.